Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Your Effect

Everyone... and I mean EVERYONE.
Has an effect on life.

No matter who you are, no matter what your going through.
You are here to have an effect in and on, this thing called life.

We all know that life is not always fair.
How we deal with it... is the cause of our effect on life.

It's not what we do that that equals our effect.
What we do, more often than not, is a rection to some other action.
You know, "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.." and all that shit.

Truth is:
It's how other people see or perceive our reactions... that becomes our "Effect".

A tree falls... So what?

A tree falls on your house!?  That's different.  
That tree falling will no doubt have an effected on you... 
wether emotional, mental or physical or some combination of all.
(Unless of course, you are a rock.)

Now the little question...

Who do we effect?

Well, lets start with children.

Then just start naming EVERYONE you know, have met, randomly crossed paths with
and anyone who has ever been within 25 feet of you at any point in your life.
(I say 25ft because that's roughly the average range where anyone around you can see, 
hear and actually feel your physical presence... 
Unless you're on TV or in a movie... or a rock.)

The effect you will have on the life of another is made by how they see and perceive you 
as you are dealing with situations, wether personal or business.

Get it?  What you do, in the eyes of others, creates your effect on them.

Now the big question...

How do you want to effect the world?

Apply your effect to life, to love and to business...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Pardon My Absents...

My world is in a state of "Non-Stop-Hustle" at the moment...

Actually, it always has been.

Even so, I would find time to write something.

Lately though...  Damn!

I'm not complaining!!

"I don't work when I play, I play... when I work." - The Beastie Boys.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Kentucky Derby

The Winning Elements

Everyone wants to win.  
Not everyone gets off to a good start.

So many will sprint to front...
Leaving you the opportunity to see the path that lies ahead.

See that path that has been been set before you...
Knowing what to do to move ahead.

Moving ahead with conviction.
No wants it more that you.

It's no longer "I want."
Now it's... "I will."

Never fear getting dirty.  Do the dirty...
Never fear doing whatever it takes to win.

Knowing that you did all you could.
Knowing that no matter what, this can not be taken away from you.

Everyone loves a winner.
What happens between the competition and the pride...
is what makes the difference.
These are some of the things that I learned from the Kentucky Derby.

Not from the men... But,
From the horses.

Go back and look at the photos again...
You'll see what I mean.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Be anything you want in life... But PLEASE! (It's a Business Lesson)

In this life time, there are a very few things that you will truly own.

Among those are your reputation and your thoughts.

That said:

There's only two things in life
that you don't want  your reputation to be
or for others to think that you are.


#1.  A Dick.

Just trust me.  If your reputation is that of a Dick, just move to another place
Change professions
and start all over...
and please
don't be a Dick.

If you ever say to yourself,  "I'm such a Dick."  
Guess what?  
If you think it, everyone else knows it.
You're a Dick.  
and again, please... 
don't be a Dick.

Next thing you don't want to be...

#2.  A Pussy.

If people call you a Pussy, or you think you are Pussy,
you shouldn't be reading my shit.

Luckily, in this case, you don't need to move...
You just have to change... Professions.

-Sex, Religion, Race, Planet, Balls all aside-  

Love is Love.

Life is life.

Business is business.

A Dick is a Dick.
Don't be one.

A Pussy is a Pussy.
Don't be one.

The bottom line is this:

What you are is Rational.
What people think you are is Emotional.

If you're a Pussy, you won't climb the hill.
If you're a Dick... No one will help you up.

Here's a hint.

Keep your reputation clean.
Keep your thoughts to yourself.

Good Luck,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Working Smarter Not Harder.

Sure, we've all heard that before, but how many of us do it?

I do.

But I promise you, working smarter than others and not as hard as others... Well, that shit comes at a hefty price.

The first being that others will think that you feel you are "Smarter than them" or "High and Mighty".  Not true, but... cool.  I'll take that.

The second, you'll be labeled "Arrogant" or "conceited, lordly, assuming, proud, swaggering, pompous, pretentious, stuck up, cocky, contemptuous, overbearing, haughty, egotistical, self-important, presumptuous, insolent, immodest and uppish" or simply a "Dick".

Been there too.  But, hey, that was a long time ago.  I look back on those days and those things as growing pains.  Back then all I had was crazy ideas and everything was possible!

Today, I'm exactly the same.  Only today, I have the "Balls" to be me.  Today, I back my crazy ideas with love, experiences, truths, family, friends, losses, successes and the uncanny power of Keeping my cool.

The third thing, too me the worst, is that you will be called "Lucky".  Being "Lucky" just diminishes all the "Smart" work you've done...  And guess who's going to call you that?  Yep.  All the people who you just out smarted.  Funny thing is, if you don't want to truly be the first or second things above... you gotta take it.

You have to say, "I sure was "Lucky!"".  Even though you know, there is no such thing as a "Lucky" Villain or Rogue.  Unless of course that happens to be the V+R's name.

"Smarter not Harder" comes down to this.  Not my words.  The words of a man, far smarter than I. 

Take what Mr. Jobs said and apply it to your world, to your life, to your thought process about everything.  I mean everything.  You'll find that you'll stop waisting time.  You'll stop having things like negativity.  Hell, you may even take an unscheduled "Working" vacation or two... Why?  Because you can!
(Yes, Hawaii was great!! Thanks for asking!)

A Hustler told me a long time ago... He said, "Son, it don't matter where ya go... There ya are."  

30 years and massive leaps in technology later, I got it!  

We can do anything from anywhere at anytime so long as we are smart enough to learn how.  We can build or move anything from here to anywhere, so long as we are smart enough to learn how.  We can communicate with anyone... anything.  So long as we are smart enough to learn other ways of communication.  

The key words are "Smart" and "Learn".   To be as smart as possible, you have to learn as much as possible.  Let yourself be taught, keep your mind open to all possibilities and if you don't want to be thought ill of, and called shit behind your back... share.  

Share what you learn.  Teach and let yourself be taught.  Share what you learn.

The ability to work "Smarter not Harder" will come with time, knowledge, and understanding of what's important in the moment... oh, and the Balls to know the difference.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Say Hello to the Bad Guys...

Bill Gates

Jack Kerouac 

Jane Fonda

Billy Holiday
Rosa Parks

Willie Nelson

All are, in some ways, heroes and role models...
All are, in some ways, Villains and Rogues...

The last one is me...

- J.S